Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Differences in Emotional Expression Between Genders...

Combined research shows men and women vary little in experiencing emotion but contrast greatly in the expression of emotion. Psychologists have studied the reasons behind the differences through the years and there are still many unanswered questions but there are several well-accepted possible causes and combination of causes. Neuro science and the brain makeup is the first area of proven differences. Medical researchers have been aware for a long time that the male and female brain is different in size. In 2001, researchers from Harvard found certain parts of the brain were differently sized in males and females; this may answer some of the questions about the difference in the male and female brain in regards to development and†¦show more content†¦Women use both the left and the right sides of their brains for emotions. This seems to be yet another reason it is much easier for women to express their emotions (princess-ami). Another area of the brain, which is different in men and women, is the Hypothalamus within the brain. The Hypothalamus is separated into two parts. The larger and most distinct portion of the hypothalamus is the preoptic area. This area is directly related to mating and sexual desires. The male preoptic area is 2.2 times larger and has twice as much cell density then females. The difference in the preoptic only becomes apparent after the age of four (Cahill, 2005). Researchers and testing has proven over time, that some cognitive abilities between males and females change throughout infancy and adolescents. Girls generally perform and use their verbal skills much earlier than boys. Women do much better on exams such as SAT’s in the verbal areas where men excel in the mathematical arena. This finding in itself may seem to solidify the fact of biological makeup. If that is the case, then why do girls perform equally as proficient in the area of math until they reach their â€Å"tween† and teenage years, which is generally between 6th and 7th grade? At this point, there seems to be a decline in the female’s performance in the area of math. Even with theShow MoreRelatedFactors That Influence Emotional Expression1619 Words   |  7 Pagesemotions. There are three different factors that influence emotional expression. These influences include your culture, one s display roles, and your gender. Although these three influences are found to be some of the most important, there are multiple others like one s personality, their social conventions, their fear of self-disclosure, and even emotional contagion. All these factors come together to influence a person s emotional expression. 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